, +91 95373 14440, +91 99248 41653

Our Quality Policy

We are committed to provide total customer satisfaction through our quality products, continuous updating our technical competence and services.

The company strives to fulfill the customer’s right to except the best we can deliver all of the time. Not only does the company assures our products, services but also ascertains the solution of specific customer problems, to meet unique challenges and seize opportunities for growth and worldwide prestige.

  • Forget valve body shot blasted for aesthetic surface finish.
  • Raw material are produced from leading national suppiers with an impeccable track record of supplying consistent quality products. incoming raw materials are materials are tested in - house for physical properties and chemically for resistance to corrosive atmospher which the valves may be subjected to during services.
  • Highly skilled engineers for designing products with optimal performance. Ability to design products with special requirements. Customized product development – working closely with the user groups.
  • Our Quality Assurance Department Is Concerned With Quality And Reliability Of Raw Materials And Finished Valves. QAD Has A Team Of Skilled And Technically Sound Engineers. All Necessary Test Certificates And Documentation Are Provided Through Stage Wise Production To Final Testing According To Order.